We Help with People, Process
and Technology

Putting your data to work, through our apps, with some guided expertise, can deliver exceptional results.

Technologies We Use

Our Solutions Portfolio

Sustainable Buildings & Operations

Partner with your sustainability leaders to ensure your real estate teams are the key to credible sustainable transformations.

Many sustainability teams believe they have no other option other than to invest in carbon offsets and renewable energy credits. These low-tech options are under increased scrutiny from the public as methods to achieve carbon neutrality or “net zero”. Our sustainable buildings and operations solutions enable global real estate teams to provide a new set of options that transform how you operate your buildings to achieve credible sustainability improvements. These solutions align energy efficiency projects to real emissions reductions, showcase water and air quality and even track physical waste streams from your properties.

A laptop screen displays the Sustainable Building Manager software interface, showing meter readings data and a timeline chart for a selected time range.

Building Portfolio Management

Analytics for the entire real estate portfolio through a single application with all the data you need to drive large scale transformations.

Are you tired of looking through thousands of excel files and pdf’s to extract the data you need to show the value of your teams efforts? Are you paying too much for outdated technology that requires licensing for proprietary hardware and software architectures? No as a service pricing? VerdeOS portfolio management solutions provide a new way. our building portfolio management application, coupled with our migration services can get you on track to have that iPhone experience for how you manage your buildings. We put your user preferences and the data you need to run your buildings effectively first. We only charge you for the data you use and for the application that helps you orchestrate it.

Building Systems Management

Ensure you are getting the most out of your real estate investments by actively managing the performance of your building systems and services.

At VerdeOS we don’t focus solely on the Building Management System (BMS). Instead, we put our attention on Building Systems Management (BSM). We believe a building doesn’t consume energy; it just keeps the rain of the things that do. This is a fundamental shift in management philosophy that can help you move away from outdated approaches to building asset management. We help you interface directly with the building systems and assets that drive your electrical spend, emissions and impact your bottom line. Our applications show you how well your systems are performing and we even offer financing to replace underperforming assets with new ones.

Building Maintenance Management

Move from reactive to predictive maintenance and take control of your entire portfolio’s availability.

We help you shift your maintenance strategy from a one manager to one building approach to a one that enables one manager for many buildings. We do this by helping you modernise and standardise the data model that supports your building operations. We have the expertise to help you make the most of your existing BMS installations but migrate to lower costs, higher performing methods over time. These new methods blend sensors, building controls systems and cloud technologies into a well-designed architecture with an intuitive application experience. What results is lower costs, higher availability and less time spent chasing erroneous alarms.

Our Software Architecture

Data Acquisition Architecture

Partner with your sustainability leaders to ensure your real estate teams are the key to credible sustainable transformations.

We employ multiple methods to provide data into VerdeOS applications. From IoT, sensors, utility bills to full BMS integrations, if the data is needed, we’ll help you get it. Our history in providing building maintenance services gives the expertise we need to not just land the data but ensure its of high quality.

Diagram of a data processing workflow from facility to AWS Cloud, illustrating data ingestion, processing, storage, analytics, and visualization using various AWS services and corresponding icons.

Data Platform Architecture

Analytics for the entire real estate portfolio through a single application with all the data you need to drive large scale transformations.

Chances are you are overpaying for your data storage and data ontology services today. The cloud has revolutionised how people interact with their data largely because it is less expensive. We provide new ways for you to store, retrieve and put your data to work in addition to providing SaaS applications. We believe it’s your data and it you want access to it and how its structured, you deserve that option. The data platforms we use to serve our applications are provided to you directly in the cloud.

Flowchart illustrating AWS cloud services for building/site management, including ingestion, standardization, storage, analysis, and AI/ML across various stages and components.

Data Science Architecture

Ensure you are getting the most out of your real estate investments by actively managing the performance of your building systems and services.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) are hard at work in the backend of our VerdeOS applications. We use AI to help improve your overall data quality by identifying mislabeled data, input errors, double counting and more. Contextualised recommendations on what actions to take based on what performance and maintenance targets are provided. Finally, we deliver features like energy forecasting and predictive maintenance notifications, supported by tested AI/ML features.

A diagram showing data flow in an AWS cloud architecture, including Data Ingestion, Data Lake, Data Movement, and Purpose Built Analytics and Insights services such as S3, Glue, and Amazon QuickSight.

Our Hardware Architecture

Utility Bill Ingest Architecture

Partner with your sustainability leaders to ensure your real estate teams are the key to credible sustainable transformations.

The VerdeOS Building Portfolio Manager can be implemented using only utility bills to provide data with no new hardware required. This provides a limited set of data visualisations but can deliver energy, water, waste, and any data inputs from regular testing in your buildings. We use new cloud technologies that simply extract key data from existing bills and invoices.

Flowchart diagram of an AWS Cloud architecture, showing data ingestion mechanisms leading to data storage and processing using Amazon S3, EventBridge, DynamoDB, Lambda, Textract, and downstream integrations.

Sensor Architecture

Analytics for the entire real estate portfolio through a single application with all the data you need to drive large scale transformations.

VerdeOS applications coupled with our deployment services can provide all the analytics you need to better manage your buildings. We use high quality, tested and approved sensors to deliver a wide range of data into your application. We can maintain these sensors for you, or you can opt to do it yourself. This approach helps you migrate away from expensive licensing and proprietary lock ins.

Diagram showing AWS architecture for telemetry and static data ingestion from industrial operations. Components include AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Data Stream, Firehose, Timestream, API Gateway, and S3.

BMS Integration Architecture

Ensure you are getting the most out of your real estate investments by actively managing the performance of your building systems and services.

If you want fully automated controls or to continue to operate existing BMS’s for a period of time, this option provides and end-to-end integration with your on-premises systems. Our professional services team works with your building managers to normalise the data across multiple vendors and integrate controls logic. This option can also provide a migration plan to reduce reliance long term on proprietary systems.

A setup of various digital control equipment and devices, including modules, routers, a tablet, smartphones, and a laptop, all interconnected to form a data management and control system.

Dive a Little Deeper

See how our customers are driving down their costs while improving overall portfolio performance and availability.

Put Your Data to
Work with VerdeOS

Unshackle your building data from proprietary lock ins and showcase your team’s value beyond keeping the lights on.

Put Your Data to
Work with Verdeos

Unshackle your building data from proprietary lock ins and showcase your team’s value beyond keeping the lights on.